E-Team Pioneer Workshop for Verizon Forward for Good Challenge
Summer 2022
The E-Team Pioneer workshop for Verizon Forward for Good Challenge winners gives college students and CGI U alumni the chance to move new tech ideas out of the lab and classroom and into the marketplace. The three-phase program provides funding, an experiential workshop, an ongoing learning series, and expert coaching to help you manifest the full commercial potential of your project.
The Program provides $5,000 in grant funding, a monetary stipend for each program participant, sponsored entry into the two-day in-person Pioneer workshop, as well as nine weeks of follow-on coaching and mentoring, where you will learn how to better articulate the opportunity for your innovation in the marketplace. Funds can be used on technology development and customer discovery.
Important Program Reminders
Two team members are required to participate in the program.
Each team is required to have at least two members participate for the entirety of the program from June 1-August 31, 2022. Engaging in all session is a requirement of the funding. Plan to reserve the following dates and times. Please note, all times are ET.
- Program Orientation and Team Introductions - June 13, 2022; 1:00-3:00PM ET
- Pioneer Workshop - June 23-24, 2022; 8:30AM-6:00PM ET
- Scheduled virtual programming - 1:00-3:00PM every Tuesday and Thursday from June 28-August 30, 2022
COVID-19 Safety
VentureWell is committed to holding a safe and engaging workshop. Please review our COVID-19 policy and implementation plan and familiarize yourself with the health and safety requirements for attending this workshop.
Workshop Location/Dates/Times
Verizon 5G Labs
119 W 24th Street
New York, NY 10011
June 23-24, 2022
8:30AM - 6:00PM EST
Please plan to arrive the day before and depart the day after the workshop.
Important Registration Directions
As stated in the program guidelines, VentureWell requires that at least two key student members of your participate in the Pioneer Workshop, which will take place in New York City from Thursday, June 23 to Friday, June 24, 2022. Please plan to arrive the day before and depart the day after the workshop.
Participation is limited to those approved on each team's proposal. Each team member who is attending the workshop must register. It is the team leader's responsibility to ensure registration is complete by each team member before the deadline of April 25, 2022 and you may need to forward registration details over email to your team members. Failure to register before the registration deadline may result in your team not being able to participate in the workshop and access grant funds. If you have questions please contact Cara Barnes at cbarnes@venturewell.org.