Welcome to the 2023 meeting of the BME-Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship Alliance (BME-IDEA)!

BME-IDEA brings together participants from academic institutions and industry to network and share best practices in innovation, design and entrepreneurship in biomedical engineering education.

BME-IDEA convenes alongside Biomedical Engineering Society's (BMES) annual conference, and this year's meeting is on October 11, 2023 in Seattle at the Seattle Convention Center | Summit Building (located at 900 Pine Street, Seattle, Washington 98101-2310).

Celebrating 20 years of BME-IDEA, this year's BME-IDEA will feature a panel discussion highlighting the activities and accomplishments these past 20 years, sharing of what today's design community looks like and wishes to see in BME-IDEA and break-out sessions discussing emerging themes. The event will be a half-day session, followed by a networking reception to which all participants are invited.

VentureWell is an organizing member of the BME-IDEA planning team, which is made up of faculty from leading BME programs across the country. We look forward to seeing you in-person at the event!



  • BME-IDEA 2023 Meeting: October 11, 2023 from 1:00-4:30pm PT, Seattle Convention Center | Summit Building
  • Networking Reception: October 11, 2023 from 4:30-5:30pm PT, Seattle Convention Center | Summit Building